Direct drive couriers
To and from Austria Belgium Denmark France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Luxembourg Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Spain Sweden Switzerland

Premier has been supplying European Direct Drive courier services since 2001.
We can collect from any UK mainland address without delay and deliver direct to any European destination via our direct drive couriers.
In addition, we supply same day collections right throughout Europe, delivering back to the UK or on to an European destination if required.
With our European Direct Drive courier service, every vehicle size is available from small vans, transits, Lutons, 7.5 & 18 tonne vehicles.
This service provides:
Minimal handling for when your goods are important or sensitive in nature.
Helpful, timed deliveries, courier will deliver direct to an exhibition stand for example.
Favourable back load rates that can save on your existing air freight invoices.

Main European destinations covered: Aarhus - Alicante - Amsterdam - Antwerp - Athens - Barcelona - Bari - Berlin - Bielefeld - Bilbao - Bochum - Bologna - Bonn - Bratislava - Bremen - Brno - Brussels - Bucharest - Budapest - Bydgoszcz - Catania - Cluj-Napoca - Cologne - Copenhagen - Córdoba - Dortmund - Dresden - Dublin - Duisburg - Düsseldorf - Essen - Florence - Frankfurt - Gdansk - Genoa - Gothenburg - Hamburg - Hanover - Helsinki - Katowice - Kaunas - Kraków - Las Palmas - Leipzig - Lisbon - Lublin - Lyon - Madrid - Málaga - Malmö - Marseille - Milan - Munich - Murcia - Naples - Nice - Nuremberg - Palermo - Palma de Mallorca - Paris - Plovdiv - Poznan - Prague - Riga - Rome - Rotterdam - Seville - Sofia - Stockholm - Stuttgart - Szczecin - Tallinn - Thessaloniki - Timi?oara - Toulouse - Turin - Utrecht - Valencia - Valladolid - Varna - Vienna - Vilnius - Warsaw - Wroclaw - Wuppertal - Zagreb – Zaragoza.